
May 2, 2011

Reaction Paper about Pleasantville

Filed under: Myworks, Uncategorized — itsmejbarion @ 5:47 am

Barion Jesus S.                                                                                   May 2, 2011



A Pleasantville is an old fashion movie but had sense to watch and to understand. According in my analysis on that film some viewer may get tired and bored of watching the film maybe because of some religious aspects, they happen not to understand the film. At first, I felt bored with the color but then as the story goes, it was a bit funny and I appreciate the lesson the are trying to inject to the viewers. Pleasantville seems to be a nonsense movie if not deeper understand. I must see to it that I really understand what the message conveys. Pleasantville is like a cartoon, it’s a bit entertaining.

In Pleasantville I’ve seen a lot of symbolism that we’ve tackled during our discussion, especially the colors. The first symbol was the moon, which represents the lovers in the lover’s lane. Then the red apple which symbolizes the sin and evilness, just like Eve in her sin to Adam. There Bud eats the apple that the woman (I cannot remember the name) asks him. I appreciate the film so much, it’s nice and I love some scenes there, and that was indeed the reality isn’t it? Pleasantville said that “Don’t judge the book by it’s cover” it’s a lesson that tells that we should not judge the movie first, just because it’s black and white it was boring, the meaning and the sense of the film is the essence. Another is “sex” which symbolizes a negative aspect of the people in Pleasantville; sex is Mary Sue’s past time, there they started to change. And the sounds like “ahh.. ahh… ahh.” In myself I understand it as a sound of hallucination of man and women making sex. I focused on sexual images there (not really).

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